Archive | April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

My phone has been acting up the last couple of days so I’ve been remiss blogging. And for once I had interesting things.
Friday hubby and I went driving randomly and taking photos. I wanted flowers to photograph, but there are no botanical gardens around here. So we checked out Hacklebarney park. It has some trails but, after two days of rain, they were soup, so our stay was short. The interesting thing was when we stopped to photograph a small cemetery in the middle of nowhere. An older gentleman came over from the house across the road and talked to us and it turns out he is the insurance agent who used to insure our house when the previous owners had it. How’s that for craziness? Paul Olson was his name and he was quite nice.

Saturday I had to finish shopping and make deviled eggs, pie, strawberry lemonade rolls, dye eggs, and clean while the men FINALLY put the doors up and put in the new bathroom sink and counter.

I used Wilton gel food coloring to get those really vivid colors. As you can see I mostly had brown eggs because I prefer the cage free eggs and they’re all brown for some reason. I guess they “feel” more “organic” for consumers.
Today, of course, was Easter and we had the family dinner. No one got in a fight that I noticed so things went well.

I could have blogged longer but I’m lazy and watching “The Italian Star Wars” so have a good one!
Jo 🙂

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