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Home from Florida Part 3

And now we come to the end of the homeward photos I have done at the moment. I might get a few more done before I leave for West Virginia, but I don’t know because I have a lot of things I need to do. I know what you’re thinking, “Oh no. She’s going on another trip. More photos!” Well, yes and no. I’ll take them but it will probably be six years before you ever see them, so there’s that. (As a matter of fact, I am taking them right now as you read this – the wonders of scheduling blogs!)

Today’s photos are Alabama and Georgia, where we ran out of daylight. They include some pics from a cute small town, some spray painted buses, Hank Williams Memorial Lost Highway, two strange trucks – 30 s and 29s – Zelda Road, A Virtual Weigh Station (How does that work???), and soooo many reflectors!

Now we’ll see if I get anymore done before I leave.

Have a creepy semi truck trailer kinda day!

Jo 🙂

Home from Florida Part 2

It’s the second day of photos from our April 2018 trip home from Pensacola. Amazing how I can milk this, huh? But you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

Today we have the last of the Pensacola photos including Acme Barriers, some weird gulf water, an Irish pub, a wine cellar, and a tourist trap that we didn’t get trapped in.

Look forward to more tomorrow!

Have a multi-colored water kinda day!

Jo 🙂

Heading Home from Florida – Part 1

Yeah, I got some more photos processed. Now we’re on the way hoe from the April 2018 trip to Pensacola. This blog and the next will be some random Pensacola photos. Aren’t you excited? Don’t you miss the old days when I just posted one blog with fifty photos in it instead of this breaking it up thing? What? You didn’t read my blog way back then? Well that’s just sad, isn’t it? Frankly I don’t think anyone reads it at all now, but I don’t care. I post anyway.

So what do we have today? Some boats on the gulf, palm trees, some roses, a couple of cool buildings, and proof that I was right – it is called Pensacola Beach. I love when people are as unimaginative as me!

Stay tuned for more exciting photos!

Have a mundane name kinda day!

Jo 🙂


Pensacola Beach, Part 2

Here is the second half of the beach photos. These are really beachy, so lots of sand and ocean. There’s also some silly birds. I love watching them run out, then come running back with the tide. It’s hilarious.

And that’s all for today. Gonna try to get some more processed and posted. Be nice to someday be caught up. Bahahahahaha!

Have a running from the tide kinda day!

Jo 🙂

Pensacola Beach Part 1

Okay, so it may not be named Pensacola Beach, but it IS a beach that is in Pensacola, so that’s what I’m calling it. I’ll probably get a couple of posts out of this because I took a lot of photos. No, I still won’t bore you with all of them. There’s a bunch in my flickr if you want to take a look.

In the meantime, we have some fun water textures, waves coming in, gulls being silly, hubby staring out over the ocean, some cool buildings, and a very expensive pier that we did not pay to walk out on because we’re all cheap. 🙂

Look for part 2 tomorrow and have a silly gull kinda day!

Jo 🙂

On the Way to Florida Part Three

This is the last post where I milk the photos. I know some of these are Nashville. Past that, I have no idea. I realize that I should have done Tennessee before Alabama, but oh well. You gets ’em as I posts ’em. Today’s pictures include a castle, a tank, and a nice look at Nashville.

And that leads us to the end of the photos for that day. Ha ha! Not sure what I’m processing next, so stay tuned 😉

Have a mysterious giant tank kinda day!

Jo 🙂

On the Way to Florida Part 2

More photos from the 2018 trip to Florida. We’re starting in Alabama today. Or ones I think are in Alabama. The rocket and space shuttle were in Huntsville (there is a some kind of space center there, but we did not stop, sadly). The others…I have no idea, though I think the Tom & Tony’s sign was very interesting.

Just one more day of these and then we’ll be done.

Have an un-visited space museum kinda day!

Jo 🙂

On the Way to Florida Pt 1

Ha ha! I warned you that the next folder I was going to process and upload were the random photos from the drive down to Florida in April of 2018. I know. Only I can generate so much stuff from a ten hour trip (or however long it was). These start in Clarksville – we stayed the night there because hubby is a big Monkees fan and The Last Train to Clarksville was his favorite as a kid. Pay special attention to the collapsed cabin with the strange Blair witch style things in front of it. Yeah. I have no idea, either. Also, Chicken Exit amused me greatly. And there’s a sign for Vulcan Park. I bet Spock would feel at home there!


More tomorrow because why not?

Have a creepy old house kinda day!

Jo 🙂

Dead Children’s Playground Part 2

Yesterday I posted about the dead children’s playground in Huntsville, Alabama. I had some spooky-esque photos. Today are the fluffy green pictures I promised. We visited it in April, so it was sunny, green, and quite nice, actually. And there was a lady hiding kindness rocks, even!

And now that those photos are done, I think I’ll do some random ones from the same day next! Aren’t y’all lucky?

Have a sunny kinda day!

Jo 🙂

Dead Children’s Playground

Pretty catchy name, huh? What is the Dead Children’s Playground? Remember that cemetery in Huntsville, Alabama, that I milked for seven blogs? Well it’s a park that is next to that cemetery that is supposed to be haunted. You can find a lot about it on Google. (Apparently the cemetery is the oldest and largest in Alabama – well no wonder I milked it for days! Anyway, everyone online says it’s IN the cemetery, but it isn’t really – it’s off to the side, divided by a road. I’m not saying it’s not owned by the cemetery, but the divide is very clear IMHO. In 2007 the city wanted to remove the park to make more room for the cemetery, but after public outcry they instead put new playground equipment back up. The new equipment takes away from the spooky factor a bit. SO did the fact we went in the daytime. I’ve also read some pages that say there were some child murders there years agoI’ve also read some pages that say there were some child murders there years ago, but I haven’t confirmed if that’s actually true or not._

Anywho, Hubby had actually seen it on a youtube video and when he realized we would be going near Huntsville on our way to Florida back in 2018, he planned a surprise stop. (That’s the reason we visited the cemetery, actually. We were there for th eplayground and then I insisted we stop at the cemetery, too.)

Though I didn’t see any ghosts, I did take some photos. There are two sets – the spookily edited ones, and the bright fluffy green ones. I’m going to post the spooky style today and the pretty ones tomorrow. 🙂

It’s a shame there wasn’t a stray ball or doll or something lying around. That could have made for some great pics, but you get what you get, I guess.

Have a haunted park kinda day!

Jo 🙂