In Which Some Stuff Got Done

Saturday was the city wide garage sale in Villisca. I’d planned to unload some crap at it and to wander around and collect new crap. However I was mentally on the wrong day and by the time I realized it was not Friday or was afternoon. So much for that.
We did get some stuff done. We put up the boarder that we have in bathroom:




And hung the medicine cabinet and, though you can’t see it, the brother caulked around the sink.


It’s coming along


Hubby tried to hook the drain armpit and plumbing up for the sink, but we came to a standstill when the bits did not fit. So after spending an eternity on Google trying to find what part we needed, we came up with two solutions. 1: take a lot of pics and take those into True Value to show the sink guy or 2: save up for a new sink and counter top. Since everyone hates the countertop and current sink anyway, #2 won. So it will have to wait for awhile, as money is… Non existent would be a good word Lol!
While we did that, hubby hung the ceiling fan in the kitchen.


And then they finished the laundry room floor.


It looks like areal room now! Wow!


At this point we needed to go buy drywall screw’s before stuff closed, so we took off for Clarinda.





looking for drywall screws


And then we went to…


pizza hut!


And then to hy-vee.





tightly packed aisles


And then home where I worked on tiling the inside of the sink cabinet


looks soooo much better than it used to


and they brought in the washer.


we can wash clothes now!


We’ve been using the brothers old apartment washer that hooks up to the kitchen sink, but it’s tiny and in the way, and I think it’s on last legs, so glad this is set up. Hubby and the brother need to move the dryer vent and such to get the dryer hooked up (it stacks on top of the washer), so until then we’re line drying still.
On Sunday, Dad managed to blow his radiator hose so we dumped the last cash in the had tank and headed for Coin.










This blew into his yard…



Dad did a doosy


Hubby replaced it and as a thank you dad took us to Mondo’s.


We did a quick trip to Walmart


I want come of these to plant


Then went back to his place and watched Dr. Who for a bit. Finally got ahold of Mel so we left the brother at dad’s to watch a World War II show and hubby and I went and saw her for awhile.


Harlie’s bird


Then we headed home, watched Captain America, and called it a do-nothing day.
And that’s all for me. Have a good one.
Jo 🙂

About Joleene Naylor

An independent author, freelance artist, and photographer for fun who loves anime, music, and writing. Check out my vampire series Amaranthine at or drop me a line at

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