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Thankfulness #35 & New Banners

Today I was thankful for the brother and hubby getting the outside lights up. Though there is a strand that needs fixed, so pics will wait until tomorrow, but I’ll give you a hint: it looks festive. 😉

In other news, I wasted some time today making new banners for this blog. Now when you load a post, you’ll get one of 26 snazzy banners (including the original one). Go on. Hit refresh. you know you want to. Yeah, it’s just the photos thumbnails that change. but, for people like me who want to see them all, I won’t make you refresh a billion times.


It’s weird. I skipped winter photos, because they’re too “seasonal” but found autumn pictures “okay” for year round use. Go figure. I guess it’s the same kind of thing that lets me leave skeletons up all year, but not elves and reindeer.

And now I go to take a shower. Oh! wait! I did have one other exciting thing – I caught a second ditto! Right here in Villisca. Boom!

And now I am going to take my bath. Have a ditto number two kinda day!

Jo 😉



Thankfulness #33:DITTO!!

Yesterday I was grateful for finally catching a ditto! 

Yes!!! I was so excited that I actually shouted that. He came from a rattata at Walmart where we went to get Christmas lights. 

While we were in town we took their gyms.

Snory II and my Kingler are quite happy there . 

Now I’d be happy if everyone will just shut the f*** up about politics .  I’m tired of it. Everyone grow up. 

End rant.

Have a politics free day.

Jo :/

Thankfulness #17: Nice Weather

Yesterday I was thankful for nice weather. The brother and I got some good poekmoning in – to the tune of almost five miles walked, so that was nice. I actually quite enjoy walking around town after dark when the streets are empty:


The bro on Main Street

Though we went early enough that not everyone was asleep. In fact, lights were on in the church:


Of course no pokemon outing is complete without a visit to the Ax Murder house which is both a gym and spawn point:



Though despite it being distinctly autumn:



creepy leaf shadows

There are Christmas decorations popping up already:

And that’s all I got. I did a bit of writing yesterday and am over 19,000 but still short of where I should be.

Have a warm weather kinda day!

Jo 😉

Thankfulness #13: Writing Direction

Today I am grateful for finding a direction. I got a 1,000 or so words in on NaNoWriMo ,  which leaves me waaaay behind, but I finally figured out where the characters are headed short term, which should get me another 5,000 words or so before I’m stuck again.

I also, while coming back from Clarinda on a run for potatoes ,  had some ideas for the future trilogy. Though it will be a couple years before I write it, I need to set some of it up in this book. 

Didn’t do much else. Hit the Stanton pokemon gym, took it:

Caught a Lickitongue :

Ran around a little on hubby’s Fallout Four game:

(I’m standing on  the roof and the dog is floating in the air)

And did normal boring crap like cook. All in all not exciting . 

Have a more interesting day than me!

Jo 🙂


Thankfulness #8: Pokemon

Yesterday I was grateful for the updates to pokemon go which have given us more pokemon and more items from the stops.

Yeah. I’m not grateful that they’ve shuffled the spawn points and times, though because the bro and I finally got our map done and now…. it’s useless. Oh well, we’ll make a new one . 

Enjoy a couple axe murder house at night photos !

Have a pokemon everywhere kinda day!

