TTTC – Chapter 7: Page 5

What is the TTTC? It’s a webcomic written by Jonathan Harvey and illustrated by me. we add a page every week, so be on the lookout. Why not visit and subscribe?

Astute people might have noticed there was no turtles last week. It’s not that you missed something; there really wasn’t one. Why? Well, the story involves ninjas, zombie clowns, an ice penguin and a chainsaw. As you can guess it’s really long and involved, so rather than bore anyone, let’s get straight to this week’s page!


Click the image above for full sized turtley goodness.

And watch out for zombie clowns!

About Joleene Naylor

An independent author, freelance artist, and photographer for fun who loves anime, music, and writing. Check out my vampire series Amaranthine at or drop me a line at

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